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Iran is the world's third largest honey producer

According to the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad of Iran, honey in Iran is developing rapidly and has now become the third largest honey producer in the world.

According to settlement newspaper net 21, May 20, is a "world day honey, activities related to Iran's agriculture ministry of jihad assistant minister long la said in a speech in the events of the day, the honey industry is developing very fast, now honey, annual production capacity has reached 90000 tons, becoming the world's third largest producer of honey, and honey exports as much as 1000 tons annually.

According to reports, saffron is one of the most expensive and precious spices in the world, and Iran is the largest global producer of saffron. In particular, Radney points out that honey products are much more expensive than saffron, with each hive producing $355 worth of despotic food and a hundredfold increase in the price of cosmetics and therapeutic supplies. He said there are now more than 8 million hives and 85,000 hives in the country, with more than 138,000 people engaged in honey production, and the number of people engaged in the industry is growing. (An Kwok Seal)

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Source: People's Daily Online

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