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When you are in Iran, you must try three kinds of Iranian food

In the northwest part of Iran, some dishes are made with wild plants or vegetables and beans cooked and served with meat. They are very delicious. In the south, many dishes are cooked with fish. Caviar in Iran is made from sturgeon of the Caspian Sea, which enjoys a world reputation for being very nourishing. Shrimps from the Persian Gulf are used to cook all kinds of food because of their high quality. Iranian cuisine, for us, is relatively new. Iran has five treasures - oil, carpets, black caviar, pistachios and saffron. Welcome to read my article, we will share different fresh content every day, if my article is helpful to you, please pay attention to our 100 number, you have any valuable comments, please comment in the article below Oh.

Saffron rice


Iranians pay much attention to health, safflower rice has a health care effect on the human body, can improve the face and longevity, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to eat. It turns out that Iran produces 90 percent of the world's saffron supply. In addition to the Iranian love with saffron juice mixed rice, they prefer to use a kind of called fu niu fruit and fruit of the small fruit scattered on the surface of the rice, and eat together, fu niu fruit and fruit sour sweet taste with the fragrance of saffron, so that people can eliminate a big bowl of rice very easily.



Kebabs are very popular, choose good brush lamb, beef or chicken with salt, pepper, olive oil and seasoning, then cut into small pieces and wear on the iron solder, bake the meat string of golden sleek, smell nice, tender and juicy, eat can dip in with the local seasoning sauce, do not have a flavor. Welcome to read my article, we will share different fresh content every day, if my article is helpful to you, please pay attention to our 100 number, you have any valuable comments, please comment in the article below Oh.

Stewed beef and mutton with eggplant


This dish contains lamb or beef, eggplant, onion, tomato sauce, and lemon juice. The recipe is to saute cut beef and lamb in oil, add salt, pepper, tomato sauce and lemon juice and boil them. At the same time, cut the eggplant into long strips and fry them in plenty of oil, then place the eggplant on top of the stew (to avoid mixing).

You know what? Saffron is a staple in Iran, and today Iran's most expensive export may not be oil but caviar. Due to its unique location and long history, the Iranian diet is heavily influenced by the Turkish, Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Caucasian, Greek and Central Asian diets. Beef, mutton, chicken, fish, beans, Onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. These are the most common foods eaten in the daily life of the locals, and a variety of spices and nuts and dried fruits are used as much as possible. Welcome to read my article, we will share different fresh content every day, if my article is helpful to you, please pay attention to our 100 number, you have any valuable comments, please comment in the article below Oh.

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